Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Jérémie Detrey:

    • Security of websites: 2 hours (lecture), L1, IUT Charlemagne, Nancy, France.

  • Pierrick Gaudry

    • Algorithmic Number Theory: 5 hours (lectures), M2, University Paris 7 (Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique), Paris, France.

  • Emmanuel Thomé:

    • Cryptology: 24 hours, M1, ESIAL, Nancy, France.

    • Introduction to cryptology: 3 hours (lecture), M2, École des Mines de Nancy, France.

    • Training for “Informatique et Sciences du Numérique”, Cryptology, Networks: 9 h, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France. (Training for high school teachers who intend to teach this topic in high school).

  • Marion Videau, teaching at the faculty of technology and sciences, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France:

    • Introduction to algorithmic and programming: 40 hours (lectures and tutorial sessions), 20 hours (practical sessions), L1.

    • Programming methodology in C: 21 hours (lectures and tutorial sessions), L1.

    • Students supervisor for about 12 L1 students: 12 hours, L1.

    • Introduction to information system security: 15 hours (lectures), 15 hours (tutorial sessions), M1.

    • Information System Security: 21 hours (lectures and tutorial sessions), M2, IGA, Maroc

    • Information System Security: 12 hours (lectures and tutorial sessions), M2

    • Software Validation, Verification and Certification: 12 hours (lectures and tutorial sessions), M2

    • Supervision of two M1 students for their Introduction to research practical course throughout one semester

    • Supervision of M2 students projects: 15 hours

    • Supervision and jury of M2 students internships: 10 hours.

    • Responsability of the M2 parcoursServices, Sécurité des Systèmes et des Réseaux / Sécurité des Architectures Web


  • Svyatoslav Covanov, École Polytechnique, “Fürer's integer multiplication algorithm”, Apr–July 2013, supervised by Emmanuel Thomé.

  • David Lucas, Télécom Nancy, “Recherche de bitcoins : implémentation et accélération sur le MPPA-256 de Kalray”, May–Jul 2013, supervised by Jérémie Detrey.

  • Fabien Nollet, Télécom Nancy, “Parallelization of the multiplication of polynomials over GF (2)”, May–Jul 2013, supervised by Emmanuel Thomé.

  • Alice Pellet Mary, ÉNS Lyon, “Test rapide de cubicité modulaire”, Jun–Jul 2013, supervised by Pierrick Gaudry.

  • Alexandre Talon, ÉNS Lyon, “Non linear polynomial selection for NFS´´, Jun–Jul 2013, supervised by Paul Zimmermann.

  • Sébastien Vandeneeckhoutte, Télécom Nancy, “Énumération efficace des polynômes irréductibles sur un corps fini” Feb–Jun, 2013, supervised by Marion Videau and Pierrick Gaudry.


  • Defended PhDs:

    • Nicolas Estibals, “Algorithmes et arithmétique pour l'implémentation de couplages cryptographiques”, started in 2009, co-supervised by Jérémie Detrey and Pierrick Gaudry [9] . Defended on 2013/10/30.

    • Răzvan Bărbulescu, “Number and function field sieve for discrete logarithm”, started in 2011, supervised by Pierrick Gaudry [8] . Defended on 2013/12/04.

  • PhD in progress:

    • Hamza Jeljeli, “Using graphics accelerators for problems arising in the Number Field Sieve and Function Field Sieve algorithms”, started in 2011, supervised by Jérémie Detrey and Emmanuel Thomé.

    • Cyril Bouvier, “Integer Factoring on High-Performance Architectures”, started in 2012, supervised by Paul Zimmermann.

    • Laurent Grémy, “Analysis and optimization of sieves arithmetic algorithms” started in oct. 2013, co-supervised by Pierrick Gaudry and Marion Videau.

    • Hugo Labrande, “Explicit computation of isogenies between Jacobians of curves using a complex analytic method”, started in sep. 2013, cotutelle supervision between Emmanuel Thomé and Michael J. Jacobson, University of Calgary.


  • Jérémie Detrey

    • was a member of the jury of the Polytechnique/ÉNS competitive entrance exam,

    • was a member of the PhD thesis jury of Nicolas Estibals (Université de Lorraine).

  • Pierrick Gaudry was a member of the PhD thesis jury of Razvan Barbulescu (Université de Lorraine), Nicolas Estibals (Université de Lorraine), Jean-Gabriel Kammerer (Université de Rennes 1), Aurore Guillevic (École Normale Supérieure), Louise Huot (Université de Paris 6).

  • Emmanuel Thomé was a member of the PhD thesis jury of Kisoon Yoon (Université de Caen Basse-Normandie).

  • Marion Videau was president of one of the scientific baccalaureate juries in Nancy in July 2013.